FAQ CAS Scoring App

CAS Scoring App

New synchronization version 1.49.28 and higher

In the new version 1.49.28 is added the better level of synchronization between iPads.
The Synchronization has next attributes:

  • The new sync is possible only between 1.49.28 version and higher. If you use older version, you must set on in Use Old sync in (Sync – Sync setting)
  • Data are compressed and the process is faster.
  • For synchronization you can use Airdrop, Wi-Fi and Cloud on casscoring.com.
  • If you want to use Cloud sync, the way how to do it is simple:
  • Step is - initialization synchronization – the same as in Old sync – Master – Start synchronization as a master, Slave – Connect to the master.
  1. Step is – on masters tap on button Cloud sync – (Score or Sync – Cloud Sync)
  2. Step is – on slave enter some score and tap on button Cloud sync.
  3. Step is – anytime you can tap on button Cloud sync and check the new data from Slaves.....
  • You can find a video here https://www.casscoring.com/version-1-49.html

In Sync setting (Sync) you can find the button – Copy and save this recovery code.

  • it uses for cloud backup of Master on casscoring cloud.
  • The key you can send by email to other iPad.
  • In case that your master is total destroyed, you can use the key on another iPad for recovery your master and continue in work.
  • Use restores from cloud (Sync), input the key and create the new master – the same as the destroyed master.
  • In case you move destroyed master data into new master iPad, the old iPad will not work as master !!!!!

How to connect BT timer to CAS scoring app

Switch on your BT timer (some timers need to push on BT AMG Commander, CE, etc...)
Please check if you have Set On BT on your iPad.
Then Open application CAS scoring.
Find tab Score in application, open some shooter (posse 1, Stage 1, Alias XY).
Beside Raw time is button, tap on the button. Under line Raw Time you can find "Connect Timer", tap on it.
Then will be open the window for Bluetooth timers, find your timer and tap on the name of your BT timer.
Then you can set parameters of your BT tablet , Volume, Sensitivity, Delay, Echo Filter etc...
After setting parameters tap on button Done in left high corner of the window.

Erased data during synchronization - where to find it

During synchronization, the data on the master and slave devices are compared. There may be a situation where the alleged two devices are taken from the same shooter on the same stage. The application evaluates this as a conflict and chooses which data you want to keep. X means don't leave and pipe means leave. Sometimes, when inattentively, it happens that the correct data is not confirmed, and when synchronizing, the correct one is overwritten by the incorrect data, such as zero.

How to solve it.

In the Score Log you can find the deleted data at the shooter. That report is located in the Extras section of the Reports tab.

Find the shooter's alias alphabetically and find his confirmed score. Fill it back into the device.

Synchronization without Network

Set on wifi and bluetooth even there is no wifi netvork on your devices and then

Access to Local Network must be enabled in Settings / Privacy / Local Network / CAS Scoring. - on

The main condition for sync running is to have the same CAS Scoring version on all equipments.


Alternative Synchronization

If the synchronization fails in the standard way, you can send data from the slave to the master device using the Export scores (sync) option in the Sync tab.

Select this option on the slave, select Airdrop or another connection method and confirm. Then receive the data reception in the CAS scorng application on the master and follow the on-screen instructions.

The condition is that you are in the same race on both slave and master equipment, there are the same shooters, posse and stages.


Export Match

If you want to export te whole match to other devices you can use th way

Sync - Export to RoundUp - Match with entire data - us email or Airdrop

don't forget to set the same Encoding and Sepators on all devices

It si possible with the way

Sync - CAS Scoring natice exports to CSV - Export all shooters - use email or Airdrop

don't forget to set the same Encoding and Sepators on all devices


Export scores

If you export all scores to Excel for som analysis, use

Sync - Analysis - Export scores - use email

Sync - Analysis - Export shots strings - if you used BT timer and want to see shots timing.

don't forget to set the same Encoding and Sepators which you use in Excel


How to change the Category in Match

You can change the shooters category whenever you want, but it is correct only before start a MAtch

The way is

1. Match - Shooters - tap on category by the shooter and choose a new category, or

2. Match - Posse x - choose a shooter and tap on it and than tap on Category in Match, choose a new category.


How to set Posse sorting

We can set posse sorting

- by Alias - by Time - and by user definition.

If you choose by user definition on master tablet you have another options

button Posee (top left corner) - Set the order - here you can choose randomize , or taping on the button right by shooter and pulling it to final position. After that you can set it on only for the stage or the same for all stages (button top right corner). Finish it by button done. After synchronization you can choose setting by master or own nn Slave devices.