CAS, WB, LR, Speed Guns & QB
Place: SAWS Domaniža, Domaniža, 49, Slovakia, 49.04163495 18.56829241
Date: From 28. 8. 2024, 08.00 to 31. 8. 2024, 23.00
Contact: Bambino
Competitors: Registered competitors
End of registrations: 12. 8. 2024
Registration limit Main Match: 150 (registered 67, left 83)
Registration limit Warm Up: 45 (registered 26, left 19)
Registration limit Wild Bunch: 90 (registered 26, left 64)
Registration limit Long Range 100 Single Shoot: 30 (registered 16, left 14)
Registration limit Long Range 50 m Percussion Rifle: 15 (registered 10, left 5)
Registration limit Long Range 50 m LA revolver caliber: 30 (registered 9, left 21)
Registration limit Long Range 100 m Quigley Bucket: 30 (registered 20, left 10)
Registration of competitors
Apply for the match by filling in a simple on-line form