Website status

The website is intended for clubs and shooters who actively engage in shooting sports under Cowboy Action Shooting™ (CAS), Wild Bunch™ (WB) and their associated types of shooting sports, e.g. Long Range, Speed Guns and other minor shooting disciplines, exclusively according to the rules of the Single Action Shooting Society™ (SASS).

The producer of the website is G.B.C., a.s., with its registered office at Havlíčkovo nám. 189/2, 130 00 Prague 3, registered with the Municipal Court in Prague, Insert B 5842, Company ID: 60725796.

The website is developed, programmed and operated (including the Internet domain administration) by KETNET s.r.o., with its registered office at Vilémovská 1602, 347 01 Tachov, registered with the Regional Court in Plzeň, Insert C 13484, Company ID: 26330326.

The author of the website architecture and its functionalities is Jan Gaszczyk, aka Colbert, SASS 87058 L, AWS 400 and Hard Task Ranger 079.

The website is programmed for modern browsers such as Safari, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome.

The producer and operator of the website manages all personal data under legal conditions and only with the consent of the providers of such data.

The user is solely responsible for the content they store on the website. The website operator is not responsible for storing the content of the information provided by the user and is responsible for the content of the information stored at the user's request only in cases specified by law. The website user may not post any content if, due to the circumstances and nature of the content, they could have known that the content of the stored information was unlawful or if they were demonstrably aware of the unlawful nature of the content of the stored information or that their actions were unlawful and they did not immediately take all steps that could be required of them to remove or disable such information. for users – shooters

- provides the following options:

  • create your own personal account that includes
    • identification of the competitor
    • archive of their competitions
    • password management
  • the username must match a valid email address.

- lays down the following limits and binds the competitor:

  • not to use inappropriate words, offensive and vulgar expressions,
  • not to use discriminatory language,
  • not to publish any inappropriate or illegal content (in particular the promotion of violence, genocide; drugs, pornography, extremism, racism),

- access to this website is free for the user – shooter under these conditions:

  • completing their personal account truthfully and completely with their data
  • using their personal account to apply for individual competitions
  • not violating the restrictions for obligations for users – shooters on this website

- support of the website by the user – shooter of this website is possible in the form of voluntary contributions to the accounts of the website producer:

  • in CZK to account number 19-0525790287/0100 maintained by Komerční banka a.s.
  • in € to account number 2801493609/2010, IBAN CZ62 2010 0000 0028 0149 3609, BIC FIOBCZPPXXX.
  • the producer will issue a tax receipt to the payer upon receipt of the contribution.

- Access to the website for users without a personal account may be:

  • Charged:
    • Access to the website is possible only after the advance payment of a one-time entry in the amount specified by the producer.
    • After payment, the user – shooter receives a one-time password that allows the user to register for the selected competition.
    • One-time entry is valid only for the selected competition during the registration and archiving of the competition at
  • Restricted:
    • by site admin
    • by club webmaster for club representative – club webmaster

- provides the following options:

  • creating your own personal account that includes
    • identification of the competitor – club webmaster
    • archive of their competitions
    • password management
    • the username must match a valid email address.
  • obtaining and receiving access rights from the site admin only for the relevant club.
  • creating club content for the website that contains
    • for matches - creating texts, entering addresses, uploading files, photos and links to videos
    • adding and opening new matches
    • creating and defining new individual competitions
    • managing, correcting and cancelling applications of other competitors for competitions organized by their club.
    • automatically connecting to the CAS scoring application using a password for mobile communication
  • uploading competition data from the website to the app that include competition identification, date of the event, type of competition and data of all registered shooters
  • exporting result reports, files with anonymized data in csv format or data in CAS scoring format from the app.

- lays down the following restrictions and binds the club and club master:

  • not to use inappropriate words, offensive and vulgar expressions
  • not to use discriminatory language
  • not to post inappropriate files, offensive files, infected files on the website
  • not to post inappropriate photographs, offensive photographs, infected photographs and any content to which it has no copyright or right of use or which is otherwise unlawfully published
  • not to link to inappropriate videos, banned advertising or other illegal content
  • not to promote violence, genocide, drugs, pornography, racism and extremism and all others and not to publish other inappropriate or illegal content in any way

- access to this website is allowed for individual clubs under these conditions:

  • completing the club data truthfully and completely with their data
  • not violating the restrictions for obligations of the club and club master for this website
  • using their personal account to apply for individual competitions
  • the club will publish the results of each match on this website without undue delay after the end of the match in the match card, preferably in the form of pdf reports.

- support of the website by individual clubs using this website is possible in the form of voluntary contributions to the accounts of the website producer:

  • in CZK to account number 19-0525790287/0100 maintained by Komerční banka a.s.
  • in € to account number 2801493609/2010, IBAN CZ62 2010 0000 0028 0149 3609, BIC FIOBCZPPXXX.
  • the producer will issue a tax receipt to the payer upon receipt of the contribution