Competitors including unconfirmed entries
The 6th US Marshal Bill Waco 2025, 900 86 Budmerice, 15. 3. 2025
InformationSASS Number/Shooters ID / Club Number | Alias | Country | Paid |
SAWS064 | Cheyenne | SK | NO |
SAWS061/61 | George Marten | SK | NO |
107433/10 | Gray Wolf | SK | NO |
888124/124 | Little Smoke | SK | NO |
024/24 | Mates | SK | NO |
106111/23 | Rambling Beard | SK | NO |
106109/67 | Yankee | SK | NO |
Sum of all orders: 7
Sum of registered competitors: 0
Waiting for payment: 7