HELL in Znojmo 2025

XXIII. Czech Championship of Cowboy Action Shooting and Wild Bunch

PRE - MATCH of DOT 2025


Place: AKIM CZ, Oblekovice 480, 67181, Znojmo, Czech Republic, 48.84214400 16.10182800
Date: From 4. 7. 2025, 08.00 to 6. 7. 2025, 16.00
Contact: Sean, Joe Loco, Učitel, jurda.michal@seznam.cz
Competitors: Registered competitors
Start of registrations: 14. 1. 2025, 15.00
End of registrations: 31. 3. 2025, 23.55
Registration limit Camping XXL: 58 (registered 58, left 0)
Registration limit Camping XL: 15 (registered 12, left 3)
Registration limit Camping L: 50 (registered 27, left 23)
Registration limit Camping M: 15 (registered 4, left 11)
Registration of competitors
Apply for the match by filling in a simple on-line form